Run: 2 miles @ 9:16 pace
Situps: 60
Pushups: 20
Day three done. The run felt stronger than yesterday until the end and that's when I felt weaker than any of the two previous days. The pace looks pretty good though. More than a minute ahead of yesterday's pace. Whatever cold I have has made it's way from the chills into my lungs so I was battling that for the first mile or so. I know I'm sick and all, but still, I'm surprised at how weak I've become. I've usually been able to jump back into shape when I've been over weight or just lazy for a bit. It should get easier though, right? As I'm writing this though I keep thinking "It's only day three, bro! Take it easy! Change comes with time!." Isn't that a life lesson.
I think my biggest problem with trying to loose weight/get in shape in the past (and this is just off the cuff here) is trying to be consistent, and I think the reason I have trouble with that is because I expect immediate results. Now, I'm not going to blame it on some millennial generation thing about how we've become accustom to getting things here and now, blah, blah, blah. I don't think that really has anything to do with it. I think it has more to do with that fact that I'm getting older and my body isn't able to live off of 5 buck pizza and Kool-Aid or run 10 miles on an empty stomach (that one was a Forest Gump experience, "I just felt like run-nin!"), or just snap back into shape after months of neglect like it could in college.
Nope, as I get older I'm realizing that good things take time. It took me till I was 31 to find my lovely wife (that can feel like an eternity in Mormon years), but I'd wait 31 more if it meant I still got to be with her. Like I said in my first post, this journey to getting fit and do an Ironman isn't about the destination, this is about the journey for me.
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