Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Day 2... I was right

Run: 2 miles @ ~12:30 pace
Situps: 60
Pushups: 20

Yep, day two was MUCH harder. I went to bed last night with the chills but was determined no matter how bad I felt today, that  would run those 2 miles. Well, I did and it was one of the hardest runs I've done in a long time. For the first mile I was pretty much dragging Charlie (our 3-year-old Maltese) and still trying to get over the continuing chills. By the time I got to the grocery store (where my wife was shopping) the chills had pretty much subsided and I was feeling a bit stronger. I offloaded Charlie and headed off to finish the run.

I was able to finish (although it was pretty ugly), but I did it. By the split pace you can see that I had finished a lot stronger than I started. Unfortunately, Strava didn't save my run (thanks Strava).

Day 3's coming up and I am equally as determined to "get'er done!"

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