Sunday, May 7, 2017

Day 1 in da books

Run: 2 miles @ 10:28 pace
Situps: 60
Pushups: 20

So day one also happens to be exactly one month out from a cruise that Hilary and I are taking in June. Admittedly, if I was trying to be in any type of "swimsuit shape" then I probably should have started this a lot sooner.

At my best I was running a 2 hour half marathon. Nothing to brag about but nothing to really be ashamed of either. That works out to b about a 9:10 mile, quite a bit better than tonight's 10:28. BUT, that means I have nowhere to go but up, right?

My biggest struggle with any diet/exercise regime has been sustainability. It's always been easier when I'm in shape, I just have to get to that point.

That all being said, day one is in da books! And, day ones typically the hardest day... until day two...

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